Details are now finalized for workshops I’ll be teaching later this year at A Verb For Keeping Warm in Oakland, California! There will be an opening event with a design talk on Friday night, August 5, and then classes run through the weekend on August 6 and 7. I’m so happy to be doing this with Anne Hanson.We travel to the same places so often, and she is always such a riot to hang out with. We could (and do) stay up all night talking about anything and everything.
And, the icing on the cake is that we’ll be at A Verb For Keeping Warm which is on my home turf. The above photo was taken with my phone camera which doesn’t really show how expansive and beautiful the space is, but it really is. Last time I was there, I scored some wonderful Habu yarns.
Oh right, visit the AVFKW website for event details, or for information on other events check the Event page. Yay, I’m excited!