Secret sock yarn!

I was preparing the yarn for the August sock club shipment yesterday and took this photo:

Then I thought it’d be fun to have a little contest. The rules are simple:

  1. Guess how many skeins are in the photo (including what’s cut off in the bottom box)
  2. Follow me on Twitter.
  3. Tweet to me how many skeins you think are there.
  4. Whoever guesses right first wins. If no one guesses correctly by the time I arrive in London tomorrow at about 8am GMT, whoever guessed closest first wins.
  5. If you guess more than once, only your last guess will count.

The prize is your choice of one of the following:

  1. signed copy of Knit. Sock. Love. book + pdf
  2. Little Red in the City by Ysolda Teague*
  3. Knit, Swirl! by Sandra McIver
  4. The Enchanted Sole by Janel Laidman*
  5. My Grandmother’s Knitting by Larissa Brown**
  6. Sock Knitting Master Class by Ann Budd***
  7. Charts Made Simple by JC Briar**
  8. A guaranteed spot in next year’s sock club and $25 off

*I’m pretty sure I can get it signed for you at Knit Nation or Sock Summit.

**I have a sock pattern in this book.

***I have a sock pattern in this book, and I’m pretty sure I can get it signed for you at Sock Summit.


HINT: As of this post, nobody has guessed within 5 skeins yet.

41 Responses to “Secret sock yarn!”

  1. Gretchen says:

    533. what a great prize package!

  2. Christi Dillon says:

    How about 435?

  3. Sue Johnson says:

    How about 273?

  4. Jana Strahan says:

    Hub and I guess 414 skeins.
    Thanks for offering a fun contest and a wonderful selection of prizes!

  5. Fid says:


  6. Stargazer says:

    Such a wonderful contest idea! My guess is 800. Thanks!

  7. Molly Ten Broeck says:


  8. Erica says:


  9. Margo Schembre says:


  10. Dorie says:


  11. Preita says:

    Very cool. that’s a whole lot of yarn! 🙂

  12. Nathan says:

    Ooh, fun! I’ll go with 600.

  13. Rowan Braam says:

    My guess 232

  14. Ana says:


  15. Sonya says:


  16. Jennifer says:

    I’m gonna say 465. A lot of yumminess, that’s for sure! 🙂

  17. Jennifer says:

    Alright, I’m going to change my guess to 442. Hope I win!

  18. Margo says:

    I guess 250.

  19. Jennifer says:

    Me, again!! Can you believe I didn’t leave my correct email??? Must be tired! It isn’t Still going to stay with my guess of 442.

  20. aileen says:


  21. Ruth says:

    I say 300!

  22. Nikki says:

    I will guess at 415

  23. Tracy says:

    My guess will be 475

  24. Retha says:


  25. Courtney says:

    I’m going with 422. 🙂

  26. Margaret says:

    I guess 795

  27. lyknnits says:

    I don’t twitter, so I will leave my guess here. I will guess 428 surprise skeins of loveliness.

  28. Angeluna says:

    Like guessing jelly beans in a jar with half the jar covered up.


  29. Holly says:


  30. TrishKnits says:

    My guess is 437

  31. Arlene says:

    I’ll take a shot at 480 – what fun!

  32. Kristina says:

    708 is my guess

  33. Hannah says:

    I’m guessing 357!

  34. Kathy says:

    My guess is 402

  35. Linda Schaefer says:

    76 that show.

  36. Magi says:

    My guess on Twitter is 175

  37. Hee hee – great game! My guess 701.

  38. Megan says:

    My guess is 581

  39. Donna says:

    Humm .. I don’t have a Twitter account but I will say 658