Archive for the ‘Patterns’ Category

A look at the Sock Club

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

I’ll admit I’ve read enough about yarn clubs gone wrong that I was a bit nervous before starting the my own sock club. Well, there was no good reason for that. I’m only half way through the shipments, and I am having a BLAST! Here’s a look at the first club patterns which featured the fantastically cashmere-enhanced, utterly squishable String Theory Fiber Arts Caper Sock yarn in the exclusive Solas colorway.


The Haleakala pattern has two versions, a straight one that takes the lace panel straight down the foot and an angled one that shifts the gusset decreases, creating a V-shape across the top of the foot. Alice Yu aka Socktopus modeled these back in January, and I’ll be seeing her shortly in London for Knit Nation! And here’s a look at both shipment patterns, Haleakala (angled version) and Ripple Leaf.

Haleakala and Ripple Leaf

One thing I love about the club is that there are two patterns for every shipment and one skein of yarn. Some members are using the extra pattern to work on stash yarn, so I get to see the patterns in non-club yarns too. Francoise knit these hot pink Ripple Leaf socks using Malabrigo yarn:

Francoise's Ripple Leaf Socks

And Saccade knitted these Milkweed Ripple Leafs:

Both patterns will be available to non-club-members in February 2012. Want to know when sign-ups open for next year’s club? Fill out this form.